Know your roots

Program 22 june:
13:45- 14:15 hrs: registration/ chek-in
14:20- 14:25 hrs: Spoken word
14:25- 14:50 hrs: Speaker 1 Mitchell Esajas: effect of not knowing where your roots lie - anthropological perspective
15:50- 16:15 hrs: Speaker 2 Glenn Helberg: The psychology behind not knowing where your roots lie

16:15- 16:25 hrs: Break

16:25- 17:30 hrs : Workshop: 'How Do I Start My Search? By Nederlands Nationaal Archief
17:30- 17:35 hrs: End of program
17:35- 18:30 hrs: Networking/ drinks gathering

Programma 29 june:
13:45- 14:15 hrs: Registration/ check-in
14:20- 14:25 hrs: Spoken word
14:25- 14:50 hrs: Speaker 1 Glenn Helberg: psychologie achter niet weten waar je roots liggen
15:50- 16:15 hrs: Speaker 2: available soon

16:15- 16:25 hrs: Break

16:25- 17:30 hrs : Workshop: 'How Do I Start My Search? By Nederlands Nationaal Archief
17:30- 17:35 hrs: End of program
17:35- 18:30 hrs: Networking/ drinks gathering
